Tired of trying to find the next enjoyable read in your favorite genre? I've felt that way through the years, but for the past 2 years I've found help in my quest of what next to read.
Suzanne Beecher, a book lover among other things has numerous email book clubs. The email book clubs differ depending on the genre. These are the genres available: nonfiction, business, fiction, good news, horror, mystery, prepublication, romance, teen, science fiction, audio books, classics club, read-it-first from St. Martin's, Christian books, mysteries and thrillers from Bantam. Once signed up to a particular club, emails will be sent during the weekdays. The emails will include a 5-minute sample of the novel highlighted that week, and by the end of the week you should have read at least the first few chapters of the novel, which should allow you to deduce whether the book is worthy for furthering reading. The email also contains a short “Dear Reader” column that is written by Suzanne, and is also pleasant to read.
Okay, signing up is simple, just go to: Dear Reader
Then pick a club, enter your email address, which is where you would like to receive the emails and your zip code. Also, don’t worry about junk mail. I’ve never received any solicitations relating to my Dear Reader book clubs.
Keep reading my small audience. I hope this helps you, as much as it as helped me.